Thursday, September 18, 2008

Speedo Briefs...

Ahhh, the speedo brief. There has been an ongoing debate in my house about the necessity of speedo briefs. You see my husband seems to think that he needs them to train in (he does triathlons) and I don't think they're, how do I put this gently...flattering. Granted my dead sexy husband has lost 35 lbs and he's svelte and fabulous these day. But come on...a speedo? Like most issues my husband won, and he bought the coveted speedo. He wears it to the YMCA while doing his swim work out. I've relented and can see how they are better to work out in, I wouldn't want to train in a tankini. But here's where I draw the line. We were discussing wanting to take a vacation and here's how the conversation went...

Alan: "ooh, I can wear my speedo briefs with my swim shirt"

Karina: horrified look on her face "why would you want to do that?"

Alan: "because I'm hot." Proceeds to try on this outfit

Karina: Still looking horrified, giving him the...your crazy look.

Alan: "look at me, I'm dead sexy"

Karina: "Ok, yes your hot, but you can't walk around in a speedo, it's not France. If you take me to France you can wear a speedo."

Alan: "Why not, James Bond wears one?"

Karina: "When you look like James Bond, I'll beg you to wear that speedo everywhere you go."

Alan: Flexing in front of full length mirror "I already look like James Bond."

Now you understand what I'm dealing with here. My husband has a delusional view of himself and he's trying to strut around in a freaken speedo. Now I have to find ways to avoid taking any vacation that includes swimming. He's leaving tonight on his "mancation", I sure hope they don't have a pool where they're going. I better go check his suit case.


  1. That's hilarious! Although in defense of the brief, it's a heck of a lot better than the original Speedo's. Those were just plain scary. Not even Bond could pull that look off.

  2. That is so funny. I guess I grew up with boys/men in speedos running around the pool so they don't seem that weird/bad to me. But they definently don't leave much to the imagination (if you know what I mean ;)

  3. this is too funny!! so alan! good luck with that... by the way, i love that you post conversations, they're my favorite!

  4. I'm laughing! This is hilarious! They just seem so exposing, don't they?!! Oh my! Too funny! At least he's a confident guy.... :)

  5. Yikes... and I sent Jake along with him. What is HE going to come back thinking?!?

  6. Don't worry Sarah, I checked his speedo. All the men on the mancation can breath a sigh of relief!

  7. Okay please tell Alan not to tell Darek about the speedo or you know he'll want one too and then I'll be in the same boat as you.

  8. You are so funny. I may find my husband sexy, but I have no desire to see him, or any man in a speedo for that matter. You guys sound like you have so much fun together though.

  9. Oh my. I love your blog writing style. I seriously laughed outloud. I've had similar conversations with my husband (not about a speedo, but his self-proclaimed "sexiness", lol).
