Saturday, October 25, 2008

Halloween Fun!

My friend Natalie has an annual Halloween party. We've never been able to go due to the fact that we lived 3,000 miles away and I don't know, maybe we just weren't cool enough. This year, we got to be part of the popular crowd and we were totally "in". Thanks Natalie, you throws a mean party! I think I mentioned in my 4th of July post that this girl can cook! We had home made chili, soup, rolls, cupcakes, cookies, caramel apples, yum, yum, yum. Where there is food, I am happy! Another bonus about Natalie's house is my children can run amuck on her two acres for hours and I don't have to think about them, love that! So here's to Natalie and being a part of the "in crowd"!


  1. It did turn out great. Fun was had by all! Thanks for making the trek to Enumclaw & for your great pictures. I can't wait to get them and scrapbook them!

  2. Your kids costumes are awesome! Your baby is adorable with those big ole ears on top! :)

  3. ok, so i think you make food look more scrumptiously delicious than it could possibly be in reality... i really think you should consider going into advertising... i loved the costumes! that is so Tanner! Lu is the cutest thing ever!
