Monday, February 9, 2009

The Man Cold!

*Edited... by the way, he was feeling all better by the time I got home from church with the children! His cold lasted 3 hours on a Sunday afternoon, gotta love him!
I have been waiting months to post this on my blog. I found this hilarious video on youtube and I've had to wait to share it until my husband got sick. He almost never gets sick so I knew it would be awhile. Well he finally got a cold yesterday and as I expected the video tells my and you'll see what I go through a few times a year.


  1. And that is why women have the babies. ;o) I'd rather play with babies and let him fight dragons (aka work) anyway.

  2. oh my! that is too funny! is he better now? or are you still listening to the whining? sorry!

  3. Karina- So funny! Whenever I get sick Darek just happens to get sick too. He can't handle it.
