Friday, July 10, 2009

Hanging in...

Still homeless (trespassing)
USDA approving loans - 2 weeks behind
Closing date?????July 31????
Kids - bored
Mom - crazy
Dad - stressed
Easting out every day is NOT fun!
No hot water
No electricity


  1. Oh my sweet sweet Karina!!!! I wouldn't trade you for the world! Lots of Love

  2. Let me know what I can do to help. You know that you are welcome out here any time!!! And let me know what day works for you guys to come have dinner with us!!!

  3. You guys are serious troopers! I could NEVER do that (I know, I'm such a baby). Let's plan a date to have you all over for a BBQ.

  4. For real, we have hot water, electricity, and food. Unfortunately we also have the flu, but as soon as that's gone, hopefully in the next few days, you can certainly come over here. I should probably sanitize everything first, but when it's done, I'm open. Then maybe you could give me some decorating tips too!

  5. karina - you are so much braver than I. Call if you need something.
