Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Team Edward vs. Team Jacob

New Moon fever has hit! My ticket was purchased the day they went on sale and I'm totally excited. I even designed a t-shirt for me and my peeps to wear. Oh ya, I am that big of a dork! Taylor is mad at me because I won't let her come along to the opening night but I have to sensor it first.
I suppose it's time to finally admit that after more than a year of pestering I finally broke down and let Taylor read the books. She wasn't allowed to read the first part of the 4th book for obvious reasons. Frankly she didn't want to, she's still young enough not to care about all the mushy stuff. She would skip ahead if it got to kissy for her. She's totally Twilight obsessed now, especially New Moon. She's read the book 3 times. She's in love with Jacob, the little traitor!!! So now we're a house divided. One for team Edward (ME) and one for team Jacob (THE TRAITOR). I love that kid! She's getting so old, how can it be that we're reading the same books and fighting over who's the cutest guy?!

Here's a little Edward yumminess for you...


Georgia said...

Team Jacob! Sorry I'm with Taylor. Eward's too much of a goody, goody, Jacobs the rebel.

J & E Hoffmann said...

I am on your side! Those of us who understand MATURE LOVE are on team Edward! ;) I never understood those Jacob lovers... :) Ha ha ha! Have fun at the show!

Amy said...

haha. i can't believe she's for team jacob. :( She'll see the error of her ways eventually.

Anonymous said...

I am so team Edward! Wow that is neat that you can share your books with your daughter but I couldn't imagine liking the same guy as my daughter did (if i had one) that must be fun! I miss you