Monday, September 10, 2012

Back To School 2012

It's official...summer is over! The kids are back to school. We had such a wonderful summer break, I was sorry to see it end. We pretty much did NOTHING all summer long and it was great. After 2 years of home school Taylor is back to school this year. She is starting her first year of High School as a freshman at Bethel High. So, um, YIKES...I have a child in H.S. The night before the first day, Alan and I were laying in bed talking about our babies being all grown up and stuff and he said to me, "I can't believe we have a child in high school. Does this mean we're old and we're going to die soon?", I pretty much almost died...laughing, when he said it. I told him to wait until she goes away to college before we start digging our graves.
Just as scary is that Tanner starts his first year of Junior High this year! He's in the 7th grade and so dang smart, sweet and handsome I'm afraid for him. I'm not sure if I'm afraid that he'll be picked on or popular for being so perfect. Maybe I'm just afraid of junior high. No not maybe, I AM afraid of junior high!!!
Tate is going into the 3rd grade and this is the first time he's been at school without his siblings. I feel like 3rd grade is the last year that he can still be a little kid without to many worries. So here's hoping for a carefree year for my sweet Tater Tot.
Tallula is staying home with Mommy this year. She has been asking when she will go to pre-school but I'm trying to deflect the question. She's not going to pre-school for two reasons. #1, I want to keep her all to myself for one last year and #2, pre-school is to freaking expensive out here! So she I've created a made up school for her. She goes with me to the gym every day and I've convinced her that she's going to "gym school". She's buying it for now but we'll see what happens in a month or two when she's sick of gym school.

This is the actual first day of school.