I was so glad that Michelle's mother in law was able to come and help me coach because she's a nicu nurse and she was so calm and knew exactly what to do. I would have to say that I didn't do to bad considering I've never been in labor myself and have no idea how it feels or what to do. I did take the classes years ago and did some crash studying online so that helped. My sister is so amazing, I couldn't believe how strong she was. I think she's a freaken rock star, this is her second time delivering totally natural. She didn't even have pain killers this time, there just wasn't time.
We thought she was at a 4 when all of sudden she felt like she needed to push. The doctor had just come in to check on her and decided to check her again. She was at an 8 and moving fast. She was able to hold off for a little while longer and give all the support doctors and nurses time to get there and get things set up. It was absolute madness for about 30 minutes or so. It was an amazing thing to witness. I'm so grateful for the experience of being able to see a new life brought into this world. Her labor was a total of 6 hours but the more active labor only lasted about 3
hours. My little nephew has no name yet, they just haven't been able to decide what fits him best. So for now he's no name Collins. No name is a cute little bugger, he's charmed everyone that meets him. He weighed in at 7lbs 2oz and was 20 inches long. He has a calm, peaceful demeanor. My brother in law Nick says that'll give him something to thank the Lord for every day. He's like me and we hate to hear a baby cry.
Anyway, here's some picture to tell the story!
Big brother Landon tearing up the hospital.